Soon to be former Demorest City Councilman Donnie Bennett says he’s grateful for the opportunity he had to serve the citizens of Demorest for the last four years. Bennett lost his bid for re-election Tuesday against fellow incumbent John Popham. The two were forced to face off at the polls for the second time in two months after an election error invalidated the results of November’s election, which Bennett won.
READ: Popham Wins Demorest Re-Vote
Bennett’s term officially ends when Popham and newly elected councilwoman Florence Wikle are sworn into office on January 12.
Contacted Wednesday for his reaction to the outcome of the re-vote, Bennett shared the following statement with Now Habersham:
“We have had some major issues to tackle during my tenure. By sheer dedication to doing the right things in the right order, the council was able to chart a more positive course for Demorest. I have no doubt that the current council will continue with this work.
I trust the people of Demorest to vote for the people they want to lead our town. That is how America is supposed to work.
We have been working to get so many good ideas implemented. I trust that the current council will focus on the future of Demorest and continue to build on those ideas.”
Bennett, who works as a counselor at South Habersham Middle School, says he has “never been a politician” and mentions no immediate plans to re-enter the political arena. However, he says he will continue to serve his community as he has done throughout the years in his various roles as a teacher, counselor, coach and youth pastor. He adds, “Serving as a councilman was another way I found to make a positive impact on my community.”