It was the most bittersweet of occasions as people turned out Saturday to support the family of a young Habersham County girl lost to cancer.
Four-year-old Scarlett LaCount died Friday after a year-long battle with Wilms’ tumor, a form of childhood cancer that starts in the kidneys. Organizers had planned a benefit singing to raise money to help her family with medical and other expenses. It turned into a Home Going celebration.
The day-long event featured performances by a number of local Southern gospel and Christian music groups. An auction, cakewalk, and food sales raised money for the LaCounts.
The event raised $21,325, according to organizers.
Scarlett’s parents and baby sister were among those who attended. Her mom, Katie LaCount, says it was hard explaining to her youngest daughter why her sister wasn’t with them.
“The moment we got out of the car she asked for her sister and I had to explain to her that Sissy’s no longer here, she’s in heaven,” Katie shared in a video on the Scarlett Patrol Facebook page. The young mother, who shared her daughter’s journey with the world through that page said, “No matter what, I know that we got this extra year as a blessing from God.”
“She didn’t beat the cancer, but she was a winner in the end,” LaCount says of her daughter who she now says is at peace in heaven. “She got a whole ‘nother birthday. She got a whole ‘nother Christmas and more memories with her cousins. So, no, we don’t get forever with her right now, but we do know that when we get up there, we’ll have eternity.”
Benefit organizer Cheryl Sumpter says she is “more than pleased” with how things turned out Saturday. “People were all so gracious and loving towards Scarlett’s family and they gave from their heart.”
Sumpter wishes to thank the many volunteers and performers who donated their time and talents, as well as those who donated. She also thanks the mayor and City of Clarkesville for making the event at Pitts Park possible.
“No amount of money can replace a loved one,” Sumpter says, “but my prayer is, this will help the family during this very hard time in their lives.”