GAINESVILLE, Ga. – For more than 30 years, William T. “Buddy” Langston, MD provided compassionate and dedicated care to patients and families across northeast Georgia. Now, in recognition of his impact on the lives of those generations, a new dedicated pediatric emergency space will be named in his honor.
Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS) is currently expanding Northeast Georgia Medical Center campus in Gainesville – building a new patient tower including emergency care space.
“We are thrilled to add a much-needed space dedicated to treating pediatric emergency patients – and named for Buddy – in the new patient tower,” said Dr. Pepper Brown, NGHS Foundation Board Chair. “In order to accomplish this part of NGHS’ Growing the Greater Good expansion, the system has set a fundraising goal of $1.5 million to support the construction and naming opportunity.”
The new space will offer a dedicated pediatric waiting area, as well as 12 treatment rooms designed with pediatric patient needs in mind. In addition to these new pediatric spaces, NGHS has hired pediatric emergency room physician, Dr. Hersh Mathur, who is working to implement new treatment protocols that are aligned with those being used in emergency departments of children’s hospitals across the nation.
“Our new pediatric space will be the stepping-stone for expanding pediatric emergency care across NGHS, enabling us to treat these patients close to home,” said Dr. Cory Duncan, emergency medicine medical director NGMC Gainesville. “On behalf of Dr. Mohak Davé, Dr. Mathur and myself, we extend grateful appreciation to Dr. Langston for the important role he’s played in delivering healthcare to children for so long.”