She was only 24 and being wheeled into surgery to remove a brain tumor. During the long operation, her heart stopped. The staff recorded the time of death at 10:55 am. The team of doctors and nurses struggled to revive her, but only to find out later that she was disappointed they did so. While unresponsive, Angela floated away to find an indescribable freedom and meet the Lord’s face. Just as He was ready to take her hand, she returned to the body she had left behind in the operating room.
Once in recovery, she told the doctor what she experienced. She said she noticed the clock on the operating room wall before leaving. “What time was it ?” the surgeon asked. She answered, “It was 10:55 am.”
When I had the good fortune to meet this lovely lady, she possessed an illuminating aura one couldn’t ignore. However, the doctors were unable to remove the entire cancerous lesion from her brain. She passed away less than a year later with no fear of death and no hesitancy to leave only because of her faith in a child who was born long ago.
In the early seventies, I walked into my bathroom with a bottle of pills, determined to end my life. Depression overwhelmed me, and I could not see a way out. I didn’t understand why I was the way I was, but my strength was gone, and my fight to find a reason ended. Just as I held the water in one hand and the pills in the other, for some unknown explanation, I flushed them down the toilet and threw the water in the drain.
I ran to my bedroom, fell to my knees, and prayed. I knew something or someone stronger than I was stopped me from ending my life.
You see, I didn’t realize at the time I was expecting a child. Today, I often stop to gaze at the beautiful grown woman this child has become, and I know she is wonderfully here today because a child was born long ago.
Angela lived a short life but lived her purpose in her time. She told her story to anyone who would listen to assure others there is a life beyond this one and not be frightened. The child born long ago gave Angela the power and stamina to use her faith to share the glory awaiting us. And she did it well.
Pause to remember the baby born long ago still walks among us and listens to each word.
I only sat with Angela for an hour, but she impacts much of how I view life today. Because of her lack of fear, I have no trepidation in discussing my battles with clinical depression or other tribulations. Earthly life isn’t over when we can no longer see a way out. God will lead us out of our pain if we are faithfully patient. Give Him the time because He gave us Himself.
I overheard a group of religious men discussing our political environment. They were calling folks names and degrading others with each sentence. The Christmas tree sparkled in the adjoining living room, and the nativity was beautifully displayed near them. The carol “Oh Holy Night” softly played in the background. Will such hypocrisy be forgiven by all who are so humanly erred? And then I remembered because a child was born long ago, all we must do is ask.
Let us momentarily stop and hear the carols instead of the rancor and discontent. Curb the name-calling, bad-mouthing, and spreading distrust, and instead, honor, respect, and celebrate our Savior’s birthday. Pause to remember the baby born long ago still walks among us and listens to each word. How sad even a manger scene cannot remind us who we should be.
We are no longer doomed because God sent Jesus to share His life with us on a glorified night. If we believe in the power of the infant born, there is no need to live in fear and darkness. Even when we sin, we can seek forgiveness. When we fall, we will be given a staff to stand. There is nothing we cannot endure because a child was born long ago.
Even though I love everything zany and am kid-like regarding the holidays, I know the true reason for the season. I understood ages ago that without Christ, I would never have celebrated another Christmas, enjoyed the years with my family, watched grandchildren grow, encountered priceless folks, and found peace.
Because of the baby born in a stable in Bethlehem, we are given victory over death, showered with strength, and granted abundant forgiveness. How God must love us still.
Joy to the World!
If you or someone you know is in crisis and needs help, call or text 988 to connect with the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
Lynn Walker Gendusa is a Georgia author and columnist. Her latest book is “Southern Comfort: Stories of Family, Friendship, Fiery Trials, and Faith.” She can be reached at www.lynngendusa.com. For more of her inspirational stories, click here.