Beaudoin leaving Habersham for public works director job in Camden County

Jared Beaudoin (LinkedIn)

After just four months on the job, Habersham County Assistant Public Works Director Jared Beaudoin is leaving. The county announced Tuesday that Beaudoin has been named public works director for Camden County.

Camden County has a population similar to Habersham’s. However, Beaudoin told Habersham County officials the salary offered there is roughly 25% more than he is making here. County Manager Alicia Vaughn stressed that Director of Public Works Jerry Baggett’s salary is comparable to the salary being offered in Camden County.

Beaudoin’s step up position

“Beaudoin stressed he has been happy here and is leaving on good terms, but this is a chance for him to take a step up in his career,” said Habersham County Public Information Officer Rob Moore. “In addition, Beaudoin’s wife is a special needs teacher and is excited about potential employment in the great school system there.”

In his position with Habersham County, Beaudoin has been responsible for assisting the public works director in overseeing all operations in the fleet department, road department, landfill/solid waste departments, and recycling division.

“In his short time with Habersham County, Jared made many improvements in processes, and we are thankful for his contributions,” said Vaughn. “We never want to hold back an employee from a career advancement and wish Jared and his family all the best in this new position.”

Beaudoin last day

Habersham County Commission Chairman Ty Akins shared Vaughn’s sentiments.

“That’s sad to hear, but I’m happy for him,” Akins said. “That says a lot about the job market for qualified government positions.”

Beaudoin began work with Habersham County on Dec. 18, 2023.

His last day with Habersham County is May 2.

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