Barrett recognized for outstanding efforts

Clarkesville, GA – Jeannie Barrett, purchasing manager at North Georgia Technical College, processed over 3000 requisitions in Team Georgia Marketplace™ during the fiscal year of 2014.

2014 9-17 barrett-0011-EditJeannie manages the purchasing for three campuses and credits the number of transactions to an awesome working relationship with the faculty, staff and budgeting office.

“It was a very busy year and there were times I didn’t think I would ever see the light of day,” she said. “But we have a great working relationship and everyone has been very helpful and understanding.”

The Team Georgia Marketplace™ system was rolled out in 2012, just as Ms. Barrett was moving into the position of Purchasing Manager. The new system is designed to streamline the process for requesting and tracking items purchased for all departments at the college from the Dining Hall to the classroom.

“We are proud of Jeannie not only because of her hard work, but also for her leadership,” said Vice President of Administration Carol Carson. “Whenever you move from an old system to a new system, the transition can be confusing. Jeannie has done an outstanding job keeping everyone informed of the new processes, and she has also taken the time and patience to make sure everyone is trained properly.”

Jeannie’s process includes receiving purchasing requests in Team Georgia Marketplace™ from all faculty and staff. Once the requests are verified, she works with approved buyers to ensure the orders are placed and tracked. She also administers the purchasing card process in Team Georgia Marketplace™.

In her office of one, this process has proven to work really well. “We bought everything from computers to feather dusters and pork loins last year,” she said.

Jeannie and her husband, Donald, live in Eastonallee.