Banks County Man Faces Charges After Scuffle With Deputies

A Banks County man faces obstruction charges after scuffling with deputies at the scene of a house fire Tuesday night. Banks County Sheriff’s Sgt. Carissa McFadden says deputies were called to the scene on Shady Grove Road around 8:30 p.m. by firefighters requesting assistance. When they arrived, deputies were met by the homeowner who told them he had left earlier in the evening and returned to find his house on fire. McFadden says, “The homeowner also advised deputies that another man on scene, who was a family member and who was described as intoxicated, had been at the home when the fire started.”

According McFadden, Roy Lee Green began verbally assaulting officers during their on-scene investigation. “As deputies attempted to arrest Green for his obstruction of their investigation, Green began to resist and scuffle with deputies,” she says.  “Deputies did deploy their issued Taser which showed no effect. As deputies struggled to gain control of Green, he continuously resisted and failed to comply with commands given by arresting officers.”

Deputies and EMS personnel eventually managed to get Green under control long enough to get handcuffs on him. He then began showing possible signs of smoke inhalation and was transported to Northeast Georgia Medical Center where he was held for evaluation.  

McFadden says warrants are being obtained for Green on charges of obstruction of officers.  

The Banks County Fire Department is handling the on-going fire investigation.   

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