A public hearing will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 6, regarding a proposed cell tower near Baldwin’s downtown area.
The 250-foot tower is proposed to be built at the end of Traditions Drive, which is located just a few blocks from downtown and Baldwin Elementary School.
The property where the cell tower would be located is currently residential, and the current zoning ordinance does not allow for cell towers to be built on residential property. The tower would exceed 165 feet, which is also not allowed by the current ordinance.
The developers of the tower, Vertical Bridge, have said that they plan to make a presentation about the project during the public hearing. Additional representatives from the company will also be available to answer questions.
The Baldwin City Council will not make any decisions regarding the matter during Tuesday’s work session. However, the council is expected to take action on the matter during their Monday, Feb. 12, regular meeting.
The public is encouraged to attend Tuesday’s public hearing at 6:30 p.m. The Baldwin City Council work session will be held in the Baldwin Municipal Courtroom, located at 155 Willingham Avenue in Baldwin.
This article was written using assistive AI technology.