Baldwin holds first public hearing on millage rate increase

The Baldwin City Council tonight is holding the first of three public hearings on a proposed tax increase. If approved, property taxes on the Habersham County side of the city would increase by 2.549 mills. The millage rate on the Banks County side of Baldwin would increase by 1.785 mills.

Under the proposals, the owner of a $100,000 home would pay approximately $433 more in taxes in Habersham and $265 in Banks County this year.

MORE Baldwin Council proposes hefty tax increase

Because the city is proposing a tax increase, state law requires three public hearings to be held. Tonight’s hearing is the first in the series. It began at 6:30 p.m. in the Baldwin Municipal Courtroom.

The two other hearings are set for 6:30 p.m. on September 6 and 12. Those meetings will also be held in the municipal courtroom located at 155 Willingham Avenue in Baldwin.