The Baldwin City Council will consider two paving projects and the purchase of a new vac truck during its council meeting on Monday, March 24.
One paving project will be on the Habersham County side in the Highland Pointe subdivision. The subdivision is located off of Charlie Davis Road. For paving projects for city streets on the Habersham County side, the city typically uses local maintenance and improvement grants and SPLOST to fund the projects.
The second paving project is for Banks Ridge which is located on the Banks County side of the city. For city streets on the Banks County side, the city typically funds those projects with Banks County TSPLOST.
Other business
Public Works Director Scott Barnhart will present a department update to the council about activities in the public works department.
The city will revisit the community information contract. The council approved a three year agreement with Everbridge to provide the software enabling the city to notify the community of various emergency notifications such as water outages and road closures.
However, at the last Baldwin council meeting, City Attorney Jack Samuels told the council that going with the three year contract would require some discussion with the vendor. Future councils cannot be bound to the terms of the contract unless there is language stating that the contract can be terminated. Currently, the contract only allows the city to terminate the agreement if there is a breach of contract.
The council will also consider the purchase of a new vacuum truck for the city’s public works department. The truck can be used to assist in clearing blockages in manholes in the city’s sewer system. It can also be used as a less invasive way to excavate around utilities without the need of heavy equipment.
The Baldwin City Council will meet Monday, March 24, at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Baldwin Municipal Courtroom located at 155 Willingham Avenue in Baldwin.