Baldwin City Council expected to approve millage rate Friday

Baldwin city council discusses the millage rate rollback during their regular council meeting Tuesday October 10. (Jerry Neace/NowHabersham)

The Baldwin City Council will meet Friday to certify the city’s 2023 millage rate. The council announced earlier this month that the city will do a full rollback on the millage rate. The new millage rate, after the rollback, will be 8.481 mills for Habersham County property owners and 2.662 mills for Banks County property owners.

The only item on the agenda for Friday’s meeting is the certification of the 2023 millage rate.

The reason for the special called meeting, according to Chief Administrative Officer Emily Woodmaster, is due to the requirements of advertising the 5-year history in the legal organ for two weeks.

“The certification of the millage rate cannot happen without the 5-year history running at least two weeks prior to the approval. It was in the Friday the 13th paper,” stated Woodmaster.

The city council is expected to approve the certification during the meeting.

The special called meeting will be held Friday evening, Oct. 27, at 6:30 p.m. in the Baldwin Municipal Courtroom at 155 Willingham Avenue in Baldwin.