The Back to School Bash is returning to Baldwin this Saturday, July 20, to assist students and parents with much-needed school supplies for the upcoming school year. The event will be at Life Church at 110 Church Street in Baldwin from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Last year’s event was a huge success. It was attended by about 450 parents, grandparents, and students who received school supplies for that school year.
SEE RELATED: Hundreds benefit from Baldwin’s Back to School Bash
The Back to School Bash will not only include school supplies but also games, snow cones, and free hair cuts.
The city of Baldwin and its generous sponsors will be providing school supplies to Baldwin Elementary School. “We are purchasing ALL of the school supplies for Baldwin Elementary School,” Baldwin Mayor Stephanie Almagno said.
She added that the city will be going over to the school’s gym with car loads of supplies at around 4:30 p.m. The city will present those items to Baldwin Elementary School Principal Rodney Long at that time.
SEE ALSO: Community Back 2 School Bash Saturday at Line Baptist
“This year we are supplying 100% of the school supplies to Baldwin Elementary, a goal we have been chasing all year. Without the help of our sponsors, this would not be possible,” Baldwin Administrative Assistant and Social Media Coordinator John Dills confirmed.
Dills added, “We are also providing school supplies to any Baldwin student at Level Grove Elementary, South Habersham Middle School or Habersham Central High School. To sign up for their supplies at the listed schools, the resident should attend the Back to School Bash and register with us! Baldwin Elementary students do not need to register.”