Baldwin approves contract modification for code compliance equipment

The Baldwin City Council approves a contract modification for code compliance equipment during Monday's council meeting. (Jerry Neace/Now

The Baldwin City Council approved a contract modification for code compliance equipment during Monday’s council meeting. The contract modification resulted in cost savings with AXON, the vendor that provides law enforcement personnel with body cameras, tasers, and evidence software.

Baldwin Chief Administrative Officer Emily Woodmaster explained to the council that the contract is for five years, of which the city is four months into the contract. The original contract was for $3,800 annually for the equipment and software. The modification reduces that amount to $2,700 annually, a savings of $1,100 per year.

The contract was approved during the FY 2025 budget cycle. According to city provided documents, the estimated start date for the modified contract will begin in May 2025.

The council approved the contract modification unanimously.


City of Baldwin property taxes are due Friday, February 28th. If you have not received your tax bill, please contact City Hall at 706-778-6341 or [email protected]. Failure to receive a bill does not exempt from penalties or interest resulting from payment after the due date.

Homestead Exemption Affidavits for 2025 property taxes are due Tuesday, April 1st. For property owners that do not have a Homestead Exemption, you may stop by City Hall or call 706-778-6341 to find out the exemption for which you qualify. For those property owners that have a City exemption, but not a county exemption, contact the County Tax Assessor’s Office.