Balance. This seems to be a theme for this season of my life. I talked a few weeks ago about trying to maintain a good work/life balance, and it seems this week I am failing at the life bit!
I have an eighteen-month-old grandson. He is precious and I am grateful that he and his parents live with me. He’s about to have a little sister any day now. I don’t spend enough time with him (I bet most grandparents feel the same way). I have no excuse, however, especially since he’s here in the same home with me.
On Sunday, I was able to hang out with him while his dad worked and his mom went grocery shopping. We played in the kitchen awhile and then went out to the front porch where he “cleaned.” As I watched him sweep and pick up leaves and throw them off the porch, I was struck by how little time I make for him. I spend very few hours at home, and too often, I just collapse on my bed and gather strength for the next job. He’s growing up and I’m missing too much of it.
We watched a cardinal pair playing in the front trees and listened to the crows fuss at us. We tried to –gently, gently! – pet the cat, but she wasn’t having any of that! We laughed at the noises his toy car makes. I watched him navigate his little slide all by himself. The best part was when he would run over to me for a quick, little hug. We enjoyed a great time together.
I missed my Sunday afternoon nap. I’ll probably regret the lack of sleep in the days to come, but for a sweet while, I was totally present and soaking in my precious treasure.
Yes, the work/life balance is tricky for all of us. I think it’s especially difficult for caregivers because our work is making someone else’s life easier. Those for whom we care need our assistance for their lives and it’s easy to set aside our own needs in favor of theirs. I have to remind myself to set boundaries and do some self-care. More on that next week!
How do you strike a work/life balance? Let me hear from you! Contact me at [email protected].