Authorities mistakenly report person posing as police officer in North Georgia

Authorities with Towns County and other agencies mistakenly reported that a man was posing as a police officer earlier this week. In North Georgia, the incident now has been investigated and “cleared,” according to the sheriff’s office, but in North Carolina, there was a case of a potential imposter posing as an officer.

Towns County Sheriff’s posted to Facebook on Saturday, Feb. 1, and explained the confusion, citing two incidents in Towns involving a black charger. One incident was a vehicle “sitting on the side of the road” and “the other involving a male in a black Charger pulling over a car.”

“Both incidents have been cleared,” the sheriff’s office said on Facebook. “The first was found to be a GSP Trooper and the second was the one in which the picture is being circulated. This was a Towns County deputy in a marked patrol car wearing a uniform conducting a lawful traffic stop. At this time there has been no incidents involving a black charger in Towns County.”

Still, in the North Carolina area, “there has been an incident of a male pulling over a car in a black Dodge Charger or a black Tahoe,” according to police.

Previous reports, now cleared

Previous reports from Towns County Sheriff’s Office mistakenly reported that an “unknown individual” had been reportedly posing as a police officer in North Georgia.

Authorities had said the person was driving a black Dodge Charger with tinted windows and a single emergency light with a concealed tag, allegedly reported in multiple counties and “pulling over vehicles, approaching citizens and impersonating a law enforcement officer.”

Police say the individual, spotted in the Franklin, N.C. and Towns County areas, had been reported as a white male, small in stature with brown hair and wearing a gray and dark blue uniform with a vest containing a radio as well as handcuffs.