It was a hotly-contested race and a razor-thin margin, but in the end, Demorest voters decided to keep Rick Austin on as mayor for another four years.
Austin defeated his challenger, local realtor and pastor Jim Welborn, by eight votes.
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“It has been my honor and distinct privilege to serve the City of Demorest for the past four years, and I am extremely appreciative of the support shown by the voters on Tuesday,” Austin says.
Austin faced stiff opposition from a contingent of voters upset over his management style and handling of the investigation into missing water department funds. And while the outcome of the election did not offer a resounding mandate for the Piedmont College professor and former state representative, Austin remains convinced that he and the city are on the right path
“Leadership is not for the faint of heart,” says Austin. “Leadership requires the ability to make tough decisions that are necessary to improve. Leadership requires vision and is defined by results, and results come from putting the best people in place and getting them to work on behalf of our city. We have a great team in place to help us progress, and I am proud of each and every one of them.”
An olive branch and a challenge
Welborn says he and his supporters are “saddened” by his loss in Tuesday’s election. He pinned his hopes – and campaign – on the promise of bringing back the “small-town feel of Demorest” many recall from the past.
“I was greatly looking forward to working with you after hearing the concerns from so many of you about the condition of our town,” Welborn says in a public thank you to supporters. “The majority with whom I have spoken, have voiced objections about various areas of our government and the changes needed in becoming not only a friendlier Demorest, but also a stronger government which many of you believe is currently lacking.”
This was Welborn’s first bid for political office. He has not said whether he intends to run again but he is encouraging others to get involved. “I would like to encourage you to attend our city’s meetings to voice your opinions and concerns.”
With the contentious campaign now behind them, Mayor Austin is reaching out to Welborn’s supporters. “Even if you didn’t vote for me,” he says, “I am looking forward to serving all of you while working together to continue to make our great city the best it can possibly be.”