Athens PD alerts drivers to upcoming checkpoints

If you plan to be out on the roads in Athens this Friday night, there’s a good chance you could run into law enforcement. The Athens-Clarke County Police Department (ACCPD) will be conducting vehicle checkpoints on July 21 from 8 p.m. until midnight.

The checkpoints are being held in conjunction with the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety.

According to department policy, ACCPD must publicize checkpoints ahead of time. In the interest of officer safety, the department does not reveal specific locations.

In addition to checking for any traffic violations, officers will hand out flyers with local traffic statistics. Sgt. Vincent Schill with ACCPD’s Traffic Unit is organizing the checkpoints. He says combining traffic enforcement with education is an effective way to reduce speed and prevent crashes.

“We hope these checkpoints will encourage drivers to slow down, focus on driving, and not drive impaired,” says Schill

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