Temperatures are expected to dip below 30 degrees Fahrenheit this week in Athens-Clarke County. The following organizations, gathered by the Athens-Clarke County Government, provide beds or resources to help people in need.
Bigger Vision of Athens
Services: Emergency shelter for individuals (Call at 4:00 PM to reserve a bed)
Phone: 706-340-6062
Address: 95 North Ave, Athens, GA 30601
Website: https://www.bvoa.org/
Salvation Army
Services: Emergency shelter for families and individuals
Phone: 706-543-5350
Address: 484 Hawthorne Ave, Athens, GA 30606
Website: https://southernusa.salvationarmy.org/georgia
Athens Area Homeless Shelter
Services: Emergency shelter for families with children
Phone: 706-354-0423
Address: 620 Barber Street, Athens, GA 30601
Website: https://www.helpathenshomeless.org/
The Sparrow’s Nest
Services: Homeless support services, free meals, clothes closet, showers, laundry
Phone: 706-549-6693
Address: 745 Prince Ave, Athens, GA 30606
Website: https://www.sparrowsnestathens.org/
Advantage Homeless Day Service Center
Services: Homeless support services, showers, laundry
Hours: Monday thru Friday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Phone: 706-354-1154
Address: 240 North Ave, Athens, GA
Website: https://www.advantagebhs.org/ourcare/homelessservices/