Anderson receives ACCG Legislative Service Award

The Association County Commissioners (ACCG) of Georgia awarded its Legislative Service Award to Habersham local and 10th District State Representative Victor Anderson. The association presented the award to Anderson during Monday night’s Habersham County Commission meeting.

“I was proud to sponsor House Bill 134 and House Resolution 222 this session to support critical cybersecurity plans at the local level and further examine the process of annexation and cityhood movements,” Anderson says. “As a former county commissioner, I understand the importance of partnering with organizations like ACCG, and I look forward to continuing to work to ensure that our cities and counties have the resources they need to grow and thrive.”

The ACCG is Georgia’s county association that specializes in local government needs. ACCG works on behalf of county officials and their communities to provide legislative advocacy and civic and community engagement initiatives. The organization was founded in 1914.

The association recognized Anderson for his work on House Bill 134 and House Resolution 222 during his first legislative session this year. HB 134 authorizes county and city governments to conduct meetings related to cybersecurity issues in executive sessions, as well as exempts documents and plans relating to cybersecurity from open records to help protect counties from cyber-criminal activity.

HR 222 created the House Study Committee on Annexation and Cityhood. This committee will help open conversations between cities and those affected by annexation and cityhood, as well as their government, to find solutions to the problems they may be facing. Anderson was recently appointed by Speaker David Ralston of Blue Ridge as the chairman of this study committee.

“ACCG is, yet again, pleased to honor our state legislators through the Association’s Legislative Service Awards program,” said ACCG Executive Director Dave Wills in a press release. “The significance of collaboration between state and local government continues to be underscored with issues like public health, public safety, and elections in the forefront. This award program offers our appreciation to our state elected leaders for their work to advance Georgia’s counties.”

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