It’s October, and as the chilly winter months come, now is the perfect time to bring a cat into your home for warm snuggles to beat the cold. That’s why the Habersham County Animal Shelter is celebrating “Octo-purr,” to help find cats and kittens their forever homes.
This week, meet Tuna Melt and Agent Smith, two tabby cats that are sure to warm your home and your heart.
Meet Tuna Melt

Tuna Melt is a beautiful female tabby with eyes so sweet they’ll melt your heart. While she’s been through a lot in her five months of life, she still has lots of love to give.
Tuna Melt, her brother and sister were found in a parking lot in June by Habersham County Animal Care and Control. The three were deathly ill and were too young to fend for themselves.
“If HACC hadn’t found us, we wouldn’t have made it,” Tuna Melt says. “We’d lost our mom and were too young to feed ourselves. Someone on staff actually took us home so that we could bottle feed, and help us get better.”
After four months of recovery, Tuna Melt is finally ready to find a real home.
“My siblings and I have seen some scary things, but we’re all ready to leave that behind,” she says. “I’m ready to find home— a real home, not a parking lot or a bed at a shelter. Somewhere warm, where I know I’ll face each day knowing I’m safe and cared for.”
Meet Agent Smith

Agent Smith is a 6-month-old male tabby and was one of three kitties in a litter surrendered to the shelter.
“Not being wanted is one of the worst feelings in the world,” Agent Smith says. “But I don’t think that’s how my story ends.”
He and his two brothers, Morpheus and Neo, make up the shelter’s “Matrix” litter, and Agent Smith’s cat-like reflexes when he gets the zoomies might make you feel like it’s time to choose between the red pill and blue pill.
All jokes aside, the only reality this Agent Smith wants to trap you in is one full of cuddles and kitty kisses.
“Not having a home is hard, and I hope my forever family is on their way soon,” he says. “I just know I’ll find my place, and when I do, it will be a place I’m wanted. I can’t wait for that day. It’ll be the best day of my life.”
Do you think Tuna Melt, Agent Smith or any of the other animals at the Habersham County Animal Shelter could be your cuddle buddy this fall? If so, give them a call at (706) 839-0195 or visit them in person Tuesday-Friday from 10 a.m. to Noon & 1-5 p.m. or on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Check out more information on their Facebook page.