Pink isn’t a color you associate with football but tomorrow night in Habersham County it will be.
The HCHS Varsity football cheerleaders are sponsoring a “pink out” for Friday night’s game between the HCHS Raiders and the North Forsyth Raiders of Cumming. The “pink out” is in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
HCHS Cheerleading Coach Kathy Daniel says, “We are are asking people to at least add a little pink to their orange and blue if they don’t want to just wear pink.”
Daniel says the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) will be taking donations at the gate for the Habersham Relay for Life. The annual relay raises money to support cancer research.
Tomorrow is the Radiers’ second to last game of the season. Game time is 7:30pm at Raider Stadium in Mt. Airy.