I always feel a sense of pride, patriotism, and thankfulness when I pass an American flag. I momentarily forget that America struggles to find common ground, which often creates deep fissures that damage our land. But seeing Old Glory waving in the summer breeze rises above the fray below and reminds me that she still reigns supreme.
Our political divide has pulled, torn, and wreaked havoc over the last few years. We have been told by disrespectful leaders intent on gaining the power to stay loyal to them or their affiliated party. What about our allegiance to America, to honor, to democracy, and to each other?
Sure, we can have disagreements, but to behave as many do today is nothing short of demeaning to the very fabric of who we are as a country.
Talk of civil war or wanting a state to “fall off the earth” is obviously forgetting the premise that we are the United States. Since the beginning of our nation, our soldiers who served and gave their lives for our liberty are from every county in America. They hail from all political parties, every race, and every religion. They are the ones who have literally saved us all from falling off the earth.
Today, politically sarcastic and vitriolic comments are spread across social media to inflame even the calmest minds. We obviously do not recognize that we fan wild flames of hatred when we type fiery words. Kindness, civility, and respectfulness are replaced with our own self-righteousness. Does this behavior reflect integrity, patriotism, or any of the Godly principles we were founded upon?
We are a country built on hope and freedom. Our ancestors bravely journeyed from across the globe to find such a nation. Did they all agree or get along? No, of course not, but there would often be an honorable leader who would bind them, a war to unite them, or fears of losing their home to shake them.
Where are our fears, civil leaders, and prayers to avoid conflicts today? I am still haunted by the attack on our capital on January 6th, 2020. We all should be. To see the American flag being used to break glass, harm others, and create carnage is an affront to everything Old Glory stands for. We cannot lessen or diminish the actions of a terrible event because it does not suit our personal political beliefs.
In 2016, when NFL players knelt during the National Anthem and the hoisting of the American flag, many fans were incensed, and shouts of “traitors” could be loudly heard. Calls for boycotts and sanctions echoed across our land. Yet, when some of those same Americans saw our flag used as a weapon, they barely whispered.
No behavior used to disgrace our nation is honorable. And no, none of these shameful actions should be described as a “beautiful day” in America. We can disagree, but we should never belittle or dishonor the hard-fought Independence we enjoy under the red, white, and blue.
Recently, I was sitting on the dock of my cousins’ Tennessee lake. The sun slowly began to set, the fish jumped, and a breeze rippled the water. His American flag hoisted above me waved majestically over his land. I realized my family’s uncles, aunts, fathers, grandfathers, brothers, and cousins fought on foreign soil in all of America’s wars to protect such peace and harmony for me.
If we pause on July 4th and remind ourselves of the sacrifices our families endured to establish this country, we may greater appreciate the freedom it offers. We may replace ingratitude with thankfulness and hatred with humility.
What an honor it is to live on the acres below our flag. Some see only the worst in our country, but we are still the best. We just cannot let divisiveness destroy us. The truth is none of us should be of the same mindset because it is out of diverse opinions compromises arise that work for all citizens. Where we err is to stand so steadfastly loyal to a political theory that we forget our land is shared by all. And all those who call America home are valuable.
We need each other throughout this nation to protect our blessings. Greed, power, and evil accompany us down our paths every hour. However, our fights should be to collectively stop the flow of ungodliness and please God instead. Because He is the one who graced us to roam here free from sea to shining sea.
“I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.” – The Honorable Abraham Lincoln
Lynn Walker Gendusa is a Georgia-based author and columnist. Her work appears regularly on NowHabersham.com and across the U.S. through the USA Today Network. She can be reached at www.lynngendusa.com. For more of Lynn’s stories on family, faith, hope, patriotism, inspiration, and love, click here.