I’m one of few still around who remember the Great Depression, World War II, and square dancing on Saturday nights at the Mountain City Playhouse.
I have a small den full of volumes of photos and narratives; 13 2-inch notebooks with “Trails,” episodes in my life, covering childhood on farm, education, Air Force career (two wars and a 3 year tour in the Philippines); 25 3-ring notebooks with newspaper articles; a volume of over 500 poems; two large volumes of family history, 29 digital files of phases of my life, 14 volumes on annual trips to Wyoming and places west, including one three week tour of almost every state west of the Mississippi; and walls covered with mementos of life.
To me all of life has been a great adventure, from growing up on a farm in a lovely Blue Ridge Mountain valley, yes, and even the failures, near death events and just going forth each morning to see the sun rise! There was pain, loss of loved ones, heartbreaks, sickness, long hospital stays, and separations from family a year at a time.
I’m one of few still around who remember the Great Depression, World War II, and square dancing on Saturday nights at the Mountain City Playhouse.
Pat, I’m a walking, talking, writing person widely traveled and a history nut on American history in particular. We are badly using our heritage today and may lose all, but I still see Old Glory waving over the ramparts and a few patriots are still left who would stand up and fight for God and country!