A fond farewell to Stan Kendall: Hazel Grove Elementary’s beloved custodian

Hazel Grove Elementary School says goodbye to their beloved custodian. (Nora Almazan/NowHabersham.com)

It was an interview like no other. I found it hard to speak as I watched children come into the room, eager to talk to a man they have come to rely on and love. Stan Kendall, the custodian at Hazel Grove Elementary, is retiring on Friday, March 7, and his departure marks the end of an era for the school.

Stan is loved for his stickers and kindness by the students of Hazel Grove. (Nora Almazan/NowHabersham.com)

No matter who I spoke with, the words were the same: Stan is loved by everyone at Hazel Grove Elementary.

Rhonda Gray, the Nutrition Manager, shared just how much Stan means to the school: “Stan the Man is the best thing that has happened to Hazel Grove Elementary. He loves everyone and will do anything for you. I will miss him tremendously.”

During his years at Hazel Grove, Stan was known for always bringing big smiles, encouragement, and a friendly face to the students. “I never knew what some kids might be dealing with at home,” he said. “I always tried to be that person who made them smile when they walked in the school.”

Stan knows every child’s name and loves when they share what they are doing each day with him. (Nora Almazan/NowHabersham.com)

Stan’s signature touch was his stickers. He would give children a sticker throughout the day, and in return, the students often gave him pictures, which he proudly displayed on the school’s trash cans.

“Stan was a Godsend to Hazel Grove,” said Dr. Tim Goss, Principal of Hazel Grove. “I like to say you can replace positions, but you can’t replace people. That is the case with Mr. Stan.”

It’s clear how much Stan loves children and how deeply he cares about making a difference in their lives. “School is hard enough for kids,” he reflected. “I didn’t like school growing up. This job has given me an opportunity to help make kids enjoy coming to school.”

Students made special pictures and cards for him. (Nora Almazan/NowHabersham.com)

Stan has been married to his wife for over 40 years and plans to use his retirement to recover from a disc injury that affects his neck and arm.

While I spoke to many staff members at Hazel Grove, the most significant comments came from the ones Stan has impacted the most—the students.

Charlotte, a student at Hazel Grove, said, “Mr. Stan is super nice. And he gives out heart stickers.”

Katarina shared how much she likes Mr. Stan’s decorated trash cans and recalled, “This year Mr. Stan has given me over a half a paper of stickers plus five more.”

“Everybody loves Mr. Stan,” said Carter.

As I walked through the halls of Hazel Grove, it was clear that Stan knew every student’s name and something special about each of them.

According to students, Mr. Stan is kind to everyone. (Nora Almazan/NowHabersham.com)

Saying goodbye is never easy. Like most people, we all have someone we remember fondly from our elementary school days.

For the students of Hazel Grove, Mr. Stan will be forever imprinted on their hearts. And, it’s clear that they will always be imprinted on his as well.