The Night Before Christmas Weather………

Good evening everyone.

Tis the night before Christmas and all through the land
Storm clouds are clearing, a nice Christmas Eve is at hand
What’s that, you say? Look how this forecast begins?
Oh no! The rhyming forecaster has struck again!

As Santa draws near to our mountains and lakes
He’ll have to dodge showers, and maybe a few flakes
A cold front is passing, bringing cold air from the west
And wrap-around moisture will bring flurries, though no white Christmas, I guess

Though for those in high places, above 3500 feet
I can’t rule out a quick dusting, which would be rather sweet
But it will melt quickly in the early sun’s rays
So you’d better rise early, to catch any white stuff Christmas Day

Temps by early morning will grace us with a chill
Expect low/mid-30’s near every lake and hill
Some clouds in the morning will give way to clear skies
So unbury your sunglasses before heading outside

The wedge of days past has now gone away
And slightly warmer temps will now come this way
Highs this afternoon will be around 50 degrees
With plentiful sunshine and a light westerly breeze

As sunset draws near and Christmas day comes to a close
Temps will fall once again, something everyone knows
By morning things will be colder than they have been in a while
Upper-20’s/low-30’s wiping away warm-weather lovers smiles

As we head towards the weekend I wish I could say
That the forecast is simple and dry for a few days
But that’s not the case, more rain will approach
And upon any weekend Christmas get-togethers crummy weather will encroach

Friday will be nice, though, giving forecasters another day of rest
In fact, with mid/upper-50’s for highs we will be blessed
Overnight, clouds will increase, by dawn cloudy skies
No more sun for a few days, so say your goodbyes

Rain will move in on Saturday, with temps again moderately warm
50’s widespread ahead of the approaching rainstorm
Late Sunday a wedge will once again say hello
Holding temps in the 40’s, like the past several days in a row

Skies will remain cloudy as Monday rolls around
With plenty of raindrops still littering the ground
Things look much cooler as Tuesday draws near
And a pattern more favorable for snow may develop by the new year

Speaking of New Years, though it’s rather long range
The current forecast is one none too strange
Similar to last year a pattern change may occur
Bringing hope for some snowfall or maybe ice, most concur

But that is still voodoo, as us weather folks say
For the models aren’t much good for anything concrete, outside the next couple days
But hopefully Santa will hear all our cries
And gift us a pattern change, as he did in years gone by

Now before this rhyming forecaster heads to the bed
To prepare for the long day of presents and family time ahead
Allow me to say with all of my might
“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night”
~Tyler P. (TW)


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