Be still

Josey Butcher is the Director of Evangelism and Communications at Clarkesville First United Methodist Church.
Josey Butcher is the Director of Evangelism and Communications at Clarkesville First United Methodist Church.

The culture in which we live encourages a fast-paced lifestyle. I have found myself on many occasions getting caught up in the busyness of everything going on around me. I am already a type A, task oriented person so the tendency to measure a day’s success by how much I have accomplished is very easy. This attitude can lead to feeling overwhelmed and burned out within a short period of time. This is why I love Psalm 46:10.

Psalm 46 starts off with a reference to God as a refuge, an ever-present help in times of trouble. The chapter goes on to talk about other forms of violence and struggling that the Israelites have experienced. We know from verses 8 and 9 that God has been faithful before, but the Israelites are again appealing for an intervention. God intervenes. His voice breaks through their trouble with a command to stop them in their tracks,

“Be still and know that I am God.”

“Stillness is not an uncanny ability to keep from moving a muscle. It is not an environment or an arrival point. Stillness is an attitude—a condition of your heart, mind, and soul.” This insight from Andy Stanley has challenged me several times since the first time I heard it my senior year in high school. I am reminded that in ALL things, even in busyness, I can choose to be still.

Paul tells us in Philippians 4:6 to not be anxious about anything. Our attitudes can greatly affect our approach to our day and the tasks, errands, and events that make it up. We can choose within our hearts and our mind to be anxious, worried, and overwhelmed towards the day or we can choose to be at peace, to be still, and to trust in the God who has been faithful to intervene on our behalf before.

That’s not to say that being physically still and spending quiet time with the Lord is not important. It absolutely is. It’s this time that lays the foundation for a still, peaceful attitude when busyness and trouble creep in.

Be encouraged today that in all things, God is for you. He desires for you to seek in Him in order that your attitude may be still and at peace in your calm and in your busy.