“Blessed are those who act justly, who always do what is right” Psalm 106:3.
Mercers Fried Chicken in Dublin, Georgia, not only had the best fried chicken in town but amazing potato logs. Thick, fried, spicy potatoes served with just the right crunch. My brother and I liked to stop on our way home from his baseball practice – yes – before dinner – and unbeknownst to my mom who was cooking even as we took our first delicious bite.
What she doesn’t know can’t hurt, right?
My parents were sticklers for budgeted spending. Buying potato logs when dinner was waiting at home would not go over well – IF they knew. Of course, the two of us did all the right contractual agreements between siblings – “stick a needle in your eye – take it to the bony grave – turn into a werewolf” kind of stuff. And after the writing of this devotion, it will be the first my parents hear of such deception. Yes – we got away with it…
Recently, my son got a ticket. He rolled through a four way stop. “No one was around…” “He didn’t come to a full stop but who does when no one is there…”
Well, obviously someone was there – a police officer. I call it the $150.00 second.
As humans we tend to flirt with sin. We rationalize wrongdoing – because really? Who’s around? The reality is – God is!
We like to bend God’s rules. We justify that “just this once” or “if nobody knows” or “well, if someone finds out, I’ll just apologize.” What we don’t understand is God already knows.
We need to do what is right when we are the only one around to know.
Integrity begins in the silence of ourselves. It begins when we alone know the wrongdoing, and we choose not to do it.