NOW We're Talking

The Secret Garden – the Musical

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Guests: Dacey Gates and LeAnne Challenger

The Habersham Community Theatre’s newest production, The Secret Garden, is a heartwarming tale that you and your family won’t want to miss.

A musical based on Frances Hodgson Burnett’s beloved 1911 novel, with a score and lyrics by Lucy Simon and Marsha Norman, respectively, this adaptation premiered in 1991 on Broadway, bringing a new dimension to the classic tale.

HCT’s unique blend of the cast, directed by Susan Watson, brings the story to life and draws the audience into the musical’s deeply rooted themes of loss, grief, recovery, and healing. The journey is relatable and will draw out emotions that impact anyone who has ever felt the heartbreak of losing someone they love. In the garden, hope and resilience are found and recognized. Along with the characters, the audience experiences the evolution from grief to healing, isolation to connection, and darkness to light.

The production opens Wednesday, April 2, through 5 at 7:30 p.m., Sunday, April 6 at 2 p.m., April 9 through 12 at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, April 13 at 2 p.m.

Tickets are available online. You can also call 706-839-1315. For more information, visit Habersham Community Theater. 

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