Demorest bridge construction is making progress

A closer view of the bridge construction that has been ongoing in Demorest over the last several months. The old Johnny Mize Bridge is on the left. (Jerry Neace/

The bridge construction in Demorest is making progress despite months of delays due to weather and utility relocations. Sources close to the project said that the project is about 20%-25% complete.

Currently, the contractor is constructing a new bridge over Hazel Creek to divert traffic so that the old Johnny Mize Bridge can be removed and replaced. However, the new bridge will remain in addition to the old bridge replacement, according to Demorest City Manager Mark Musselwhite.

It was originally discussed that the bridge currently under construction would only be temporary and removed after the new replacement bridge was in place.

The view motorists see as they drive through the construction zone in Demorest. (Jerry Neace/

The bridge that is currently being constructed is expected to be completed in about three months. At which time, the bridge will be opened and a traffic shift will occur so the contractor can begin removing and replacing the former bridge.

Vertical Earth of Cumming was awarded the project in April 2023. The project cost is estimated at $6.8 million. The project completion is not expected until Spring 2026.