Baldwin weighs public alert system after widespread water outages

The Baldwin City Council will meet Monday, Mar. 10, to consider approving expenses incurred during the recent water main breaks. (Jerry Neace/

The Baldwin City Council will consider approving the expenses for the recent emergency waterline repairs during its Monday regular meeting. The city experienced two significant water main breaks over the last two weeks that affected nearly half of the water department’s customers for several days.

As a result of the recent water main breaks, the council will consider a community information software package. The software is designed to notify citizens and customers in the event of water outages, boil water advisories, road closures, and other events that may be of significant importance to the community.

Other business

In other business, the council will consider approving Fieldale’s zoning change application for a 12-acre parcel of land located at the corner of Duncan Bridge Road and Gainesville Highway. Fieldale Farms is seeking approval to rezone the property from planned residential development to light industrial.

The zoning change is necessary for the installation of a solar farm on five acres of the property. The solar farm is the result of a partnership between Fieldale Farms and Georgia Power, which held a ceremonial groundbreaking for the project in April 2024.

During the council’s work session last week, staff presented an updated Master List for Fees that the city charges for various services and permits. According to the master list, only a handful of charges increased for fiscal year 2026.

The increases will only affect a few of the building inspections, alcohol licenses and permits, and water meter black box readings. The council will consider adopting the FY 2026 Master Fee schedule.

The Baldwin City Council will meet Monday, March 10, at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Baldwin Municipal Courtroom at 155 Willingham Avenue in Baldwin.