Ossoff visits South Georgia to survey destruction left by Helene

Sen. Jon Ossoff distributes hot meals to Valdosta families in need following Hurricane Helene. (Submitted by Jake Best/Ossoff campaign)

U.S. Sen. Jon Ossoff assessed storm damage in Valdosta and distributed supplies to those in need on Saturday, Sept. 28, just days after Hurricane Helene left parts of the community of nearly 55,000 people in ruins.

During the tour, Ossoff met with Valdosta Mayor Scott James Matheson and local leaders to discuss the community’s most urgent needs.

“The whole state is united in our grief, our concern, our support for those who have lost loved ones, for those who have sustained injuries, for those who have sustained property damage and for those who are now struggling in the aftermath,” Ossoff said. “I’m here to assist, to demonstrate my support on behalf of the whole state for South Georgia, to return to the United States Senate with a full report of what communities across South Georgia are enduring, and I’ll be here alongside you, (the) mayor and everybody, every step of the way, as we provide immediate relief to families in need, as we recover, and as we rebuild.”

Ossoff’s office said the senator is “closely monitoring the situation” on the ground and is “in constant contact” with local, state and federal officials in hopes of bringing relief and resources to the area.

“I will be speaking this evening with the FEMA administrator again, as well as with the secretary of agriculture to brief them on what I’ve seen while I’m here in south Georgia, so that the federal government can bring its full weight to support the response here,” Ossoff said.

U.S. Sen. Jon Ossoff embraces members of the Valdosta in the wake of Hurricane Helene (Jake Best/Ossoff campaign)
Destruction left by Helene in Valdosta (Jake Best/Ossoff campaign)
U.S. Sen. Jon Ossoff meets volunteers in Valdosta after Hurricane Helene (Jake Best/Ossoff campaign