Baldwin holds ribbon cutting ceremony for public works building

Baldwin Public Works Director Scott Barnhart "cuts the ribbon" during the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Public Works Building. (Jerry Neace/

The city of Baldwin held a ribbon cutting ceremony Tuesday evening for its new public works building. Approximately 60 people attended the ceremony that began at 6 p.m. Food and refreshments were served to those that attended the “drop-in” open house.

According to Baldwin Administrative Assistant John Dills, the building will be the center for the Public Works Department. It will serve the employees with better work conditions to serve Baldwin residents and water customers. The previous building was built in the 1980’s.

Mayor Stephanie Almagno led the ceremony thanking Public Works Director Scott Barnhart and the public works staff for all of their hard work and dedication to the project and the city. She also thanked Engineering Management, Inc. and all of the various contractors that worked on the project for the last several months.

Barnhart expressed his feelings of seeing the finished project. “It’s a tremendous feeling,” he said. He explained that from drawing an idea on a piece of paper to a finished building took nearly nine years. “It’s quite a feeling from sitting at a desk and drawing it out, to being built, and actually working out of it, is tremendous.”

He explains that the employees that work there now and for those that come, they will be able to enjoy the building for many years.

The city of Baldwin dedicated the new public works building to Junior Robinson, a 38 year employee with the city. (Jerry Neace/

The building was dedicated as the Junior Robinson Public Works Building. Robinson is a 38 year employee with the city in the water department.

Robinson was shocked when he found out the building was named after him. “It was a shock and a surprise and still is,” he said. He added, “It’s breathtaking. I’m really grateful. Words can’t describe it.”

“Dedicating the new Public Works Building to Junior Robinson and his 38 years of service to the city is only fitting. We hope that the building is a constant reminder to others of the appreciation we feel for Junior’s faithful service,” Almagno said.

City staff and citizens gather in the shop area of the new building for refreshments during the Baldwin Public Works building open house. (Jerry Neace/

The building has been in the works for eight years. Land acquisition, funding sources, and design changes delayed the project. The city broke ground for the new building last November and took 10 months to construct the $1,573,283 million project. The project was funded with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and Habersham SPLOST VII funds. The building is located at 201 Industrial Park Road in Baldwin.

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