Meetings like this one in Cornelia on Sept. 23 have been held throughout Habersham County for the past month-and-a-half to educate voters about SPLOST VI.
Cornelia, GA – The ninth and final public meeting on Habersham County’s upcoming SPLOST VI referendum will be held tonight, Tuesday, Oct. 14, at the Torch Worship Center in Cornelia. The public forum begins at 6 p.m. SPLOST VI Committee members and public officials will be on hand to discuss what projects are included in the proposed special local option sales tax and explain the potential impact of those projects on the community. The public will have an opportunity to ask questions.
If approved by voters on Nov. 4 the penny-on-the-dollar tax would be in effect for six years and would raise revenue to fund a wide range of county and municipal projects. A SPLOST VI Oversight Committee has been appointed to monitor tax collections and spending. Committee members are: Cliff Brown – Chairman, Keith Boger, Ivy Hall, Kelly Woodall, Jo Carroll and Keith Stapleton. The committee was selected from names submitted by local elected officials. SPLOST VI Committee Chairman Wade Rhodes says his committee sent out an email requesting the names of people the public would trust.
While the committee will not have any authority it will serve as a watchdog group and report back to the community through local media twice a year about how much money is raised through SPLOST and where the money is spent.
The Torch Worship Center is located at 800 Cannon Bridge Road in Cornelia. For more information on tonight’s public hearing or to learn more about SPLOST VI visit the Habersham County Chamber of Commerce website.