The Cornelia City Commission will discuss amending an ordinance that will limit the number of vehicles parked outside of an automotive repair facility. They will also discuss the repairs needed at the wastewater treatment facility.
The proposed ordinance amendment would limit the number of vehicles parked at an automotive repair facility awaiting repairs to four vehicles per bay.
The amendment is solely for automotive repair facilities and would not affect other businesses.
City administrators recommend that the ordinance be posted for public comment.
Wastewater facility repair
At their meeting on Tuesday, April 2, Cornelia city commissioners will also discuss the repairs needed at the wastewater plant. The facility needs the step screen repaired, which is the first step in removing debris. It removes rags, plastics, paper, and metals from the system.
The step screen was installed during the plant upgrade in 2008. However, last November, it began tripping the breaker after hours. When this happens, the plant shuts down, causing sewage to spill on the ground.
According to city officials, the step screen is due for repair along with other scheduled upgrades at the plant, but they say it can’t wait. They want to move up the project to get the step screen repaired as soon as possible.
Huber Technology is the only company that has the equipment needed to make the repair. It will cost the city $17,268.29. The cost of the repairs will come out of the Capital Reserve Fund and will be recouped from the bonds the city will receive for the plant upgrade.
City administration recommends moving forward with the repair. Commissioners will vote on both matters during their meeting Tuesday.
The Cornelia City Commission work session will be held on Tuesday, April 2, at 5 p.m. in the Municipal Building Conference Room. The regular city commission meeting begins at 6 p.m. in the Municipal Building Courtroom.
Both meetings are in Cornelia City Hall at 181 Larkin Street in Cornelia. The meetings are open to the public.