Local veterans were honored as our “Hometown Heroes” at South Habersham Middle School on Thursday morning with a patriotic presentation in the school gymnasium.
Veterans met before the presentation in the cafeteria to reminisce and have coffee. They shared stories about their time in the military with each other while students and teachers finished their final preparations to honor them for their service to the country.
The presentation began with a standing ovation for the veterans in attendance as they filed into the gymnasium. The applause continued as each one filed in and took their seats. Many of the veterans were accompanied by their spouses.
Principal Daphne Penick welcomed the veterans to the school as “our hometown heroes.”
Several students read speeches that they wrote honoring veterans and shared stories that had been told about relatives who had served in the military over the years.
‘Not just another holiday’
The guest speaker for the presentation was VFW District Commander Jason Nichols. “Veterans Day is not just another holiday. Our nation owes a great debt to its veterans,” Nichols remarked. He explained to those in attendance that many veterans serve out of civic duty and patriotism. The freedoms that we currently enjoy are due to the sacrifices of veterans.
Nichols joked with the audience, “In fact, this very school building stands in part because of the sacrifices of veterans. So I guess you could say that veterans are responsible for homework.” He added, “There is no denying that the contributions of our nation’s veterans have played a big part in making the United States of America the country that it is today.”
Nichols expressed, “Sixteen million veterans walk among us. On this day, our nation salutes them all.”
As part of the presentation, the South Habersham Middle School Band played each armed services anthem. With each anthem, members of that armed service stood to be recognized. The audience applauded as each group of veterans stood in honor of their armed service.
The finale of the presentation was a touching shadow theater production to the music of Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the USA” as the students acted in roles of an American soldier leaving home, American soldiers coming together in salute, and the flag waving.
‘It’s all about them’
After the Veterans Day program, Nichols stated, “This program means a lot to veterans. The thought and the love that goes into it at this school is extraordinary. It goes without saying this school is truly patriotic and cares about their veterans and their community.”
Penick stated, “Doing this program for veterans right before Veterans Day, I would hope that they get the appreciation that they deserve from this. It’s all about them. They deserve all our honor. All of our respect. All of our remembrance and celebration.”
Disabled Vietnam War veteran Ray Bowen told Now Habersham his thoughts on the program, “I thought they did an excellent job. I was really impressed.”