WWII veteran urges local school board to teach more about American heritage

World War II veteran Andy Negra urged the White County Board of Education to teach students the basics. (Dean Dyer/WRWH.com)

CLEVELAND, Ga. – White County resident and World War II veteran Andy Negra had a message to share with the White County Board of Education Thursday night. The 99-year-old urged them to “Teach our children more about our country, the Constitution, and World War II.”

Negra used the Public Participation time prior to the beginning of the regular meeting to share about his recent trip to France along with 43 other veterans. There, he said he visited a school where he said one student told him more about World War II than he even knew.

Negra said over there, they teach the students about that war.

“I think our schools should be teaching them all about our country more so than whatever else they are teaching, and they’re not getting it, and we should be getting it, and we should be getting it. I feel it’s our responsibility as people, parents, friends, whatever it is, go to our schools and say teach my children what I want them to know.”

Negra shared with the board that this is just one of many teaching issues he is passionate about, saying he would like to come back at another time to talk about arithmetic, reading, and writing.