Life in Motion: Precious moments

Jeanette Lewis and her three daughters, from left, Susan, Martha, and Laura. (photo courtesy Martha Reabold)

All my life, my mother’s words have molded, inspired, taught, and, most of all, shown me unconditional love and grace. Due to a stroke and Alzheimer’s, words no longer come easily to her. Most days, there are no words—just facial expressions and head nods. But God is good, and occasionally He gives us moments that are so precious.

Yesterday I was talking to her about new babies, birthdays, and how old we all are. I didn’t expect a response—just wanted her to hear a familiar voice talking about family. But when I joked about how old her baby (yours truly) is, I heard her say, “My baby.” I was surprised and said, “Yep, I’m your baby, and sometimes I wonder how you put up with me all those years!” Then she softly said, “Was pure joy.”

Those words from my sweet mother were a gift from God, and they provided a beautiful glimpse into her heart. You see, she didn’t mean things were always easy. But looking back through the lens of age and wisdom, she remembers the joy of being a mother. And when words are so very difficult, that’s what she chose to share. I’ll be forever grateful for that moment and the gift of a mother’s words.