Man opens fire with semi-automatic rifle, grazing deputy in Toccoa

A man walking around a Toccoa area neighborhood armed with a rifle opened fire on deputies Friday. One deputy was grazed by a bullet, says Stephens County Sheriff Randy Shirley.

The deputies went to investigate after 911 callers complained of a suspicious male with a rifle in the area of Valley Drive.

“As deputies encountered the male carrying a semi-automatic rifle, he began firing at the deputies, striking two sheriff’s cruisers,” says Shirley. “One deputy was grazed by one of multiple rounds being fired.”

The deputies’ cruisers were hit multiple times in the windshield and driver’s side, according to Shirley.

“Deputies returned fire as the suspect fled on foot,” he says.

While on the run, the suspect reportedly threw his weapon into the woods and took off his clothing. A sheriff’s office K-9 unit tracked him for a short distance before locating him.

Deputies took the suspect into custody without further incident.

Toccoa police officers were providing backup for the sheriff’s office when the call went out and helped with the search for the shooter, says Toccoa Police Chief Jimmy Mize.

“We were relieved that no officers were seriously injured and no one in the public was injured,” says Mize. “It was a good outcome in a bad situation.”

Shirley says deputies recovered two clips that appear to be from a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle. The incident is still under investigation.

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