Clarke County Jail inmate attacks, injures deputies, sheriff’s office says

Two Clarke County Sheriff’s deputies are currently on leave, still recovering, after allegedly being attacked by a jail inmate. Officials say the accused inmate beat the officers with a sock filled with soap bars he had molded together and tried to steal their Tasers.

The incident occurred between approximately 7:50 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. on April 21, states a news release issued by the sheriff’s office on April 27.

According to that news release, a female sergeant was checking Unit 11 at the Clarke County Jail because the detention officer assigned to that unit was busy dealing with an incident that had just occurred.

“The sergeant entered the unit and was immediately attacked by a male, currently incarcerated for third-degree arson,” the release states. “The male struck the sergeant repeatedly in the head and arms and attempted, unsuccessfully, to remove her Taser from its holster.”

A male detention officer responded to help the sergeant but was also struck, and his Taser was knocked free from his hand. The inmate retrieved the Taser and attempted to use it on the detention officer. At that point, the sergeant was able to deploy her Taser, but it proved ineffective, officials say.

When additional officers arrived, they restrained the inmate and placed him in a restraint chair. He was not identified in the news release.

The two injured deputies were treated at Piedmont Hospital and were later released. The sheriff’s office did not release their names and says there’s no timeline on when they’ll return to duty.

The case remains under investigation.

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