Flowery Branch man charged with 21 counts in child porn case

Hall County deputies arrested and charged a Flowery Branch man last week on outstanding warrants in a child pornography case.

Deputies took Brandon Jawaan Davis, 25, into custody at his residence in the 3000 block of Old Planview Road late Friday night, April 21. He is charged with 21 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor.

The charges stem from a Hall County Sheriff’s Office and Georgia Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force investigation. According to the preliminary investigation, between Dec. 20, 2021, and Jan. 4, 2022, Davis possessed and distributed at least ten videos depicting children being sexually abused by adults. He allegedly transmitted the videos on an instant messaging app. Additionally, on Feb. 8, 2022, Davis possessed at least one video of similar content on his cell phone, the sheriff’s office says.

The alleged crimes occurred at his residence.

The investigation began in early 2022 when investigators received three cyber tips related to Davis from the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

“After several months of investigation, they obtained warrants for Davis’ arrest on Oct. 4, 2022. Investigators were unable to locate him at the time,” explains HCSO PIO BJ Williams.

Davis was booked in at the Hall County Jail following his arrest, where he remained held without bond on Monday afternoon, April 24. The case remains under investigation by the HCSO and Georgia ICAC Task Force.