Legislative pace picks up heading toward Crossover Day

Greetings from under the Gold Dome!

The Georgia House of Representatives kicked off the fifth week of the 2023 legislative session on Monday, February 6. As we make our way towards day 40, the pace has greatly increased. Last week brought the passage of several House bills that will greatly impact Georgia’s infrastructure.

Our fifth week ended with Legislative Day 16, which means we are nearly halfway through our 40-day legislative session. We returned to the State Capitol this week as we begin preparation for our infamous “Crossover Day.” Crossover Day is the last day a bill can pass out of the House or Senate for the first time and remain eligible to become law this year.

Transportation / Infrastructure
As transportation and infrastructure are crucial to ensuring our state’s success, we passed two bills impacting these areas for the better. These proposals came in the form of HB 35 and HB 52.

House Bill 35, which protects our Georgia Ports infrastructure, successfully passed out of our House chamber. This bill would give Georgia Ports Authority (GPA) security employees the ability to investigate criminal incidents and handle traffic offenses within one mile of their properties. We are hopeful this measure will ease the burden on local law enforcement that comes with having such a successful port system along our coast.

House Bill 52 works to protect the privacy of Georgians as it would exempt the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) from an open records request when a driver’s data on public roadways reveals personally identifiable information. Other highlights of the bill are as follows:

  • Allows coroners or county medical examiners an avenue to ensure medical personnel arrives to the scene more quickly when traffic disruptions occur.
  • Allows the state to provide permits to mobile home manufacturers to transport units that are up to 84 feet in length.
  • Authorizes GDOT board election notifications to be sent via email instead of mail.
  • Updates language to streamline GDOT’s process for public-private partnerships.

Public Safety
Last week also saw passage of numerous bills which will impact our Georgia Drivers, now under review in the Senate.

House Bill 119 will update the current “Spencer Pass” law to require drivers move over for any disabled vehicle, such as another car or tow truck, that displays flashing hazard lights and/or yellow, amber, white or red lights if it is safe to do so.

House Bill 120 updates the list of individuals with a suspended, revoked, or canceled license who are eligible to apply for a limited driving permit.

Honoring a Hero
The House chamber also took time to recognize a member of our “Greatest Generation,” Mr. Louis Graziano. Mr. Graziano is the last surviving World War II veteran to witness Germany’s surrender. Serving as a master sergeant, he fought in the third wave of the Omaha Beach invasion, the Battle of the Bulge, and took part in the June 6th invasion of Normandy. Mr. Graziano’s visit to the State Capitol coincided with his 100th birthday. It was an honor to celebrate this American hero who serves as a humbling reminder of the sacrifices made to protect our great nation.

As your voice within the General Assembly, it is extremely important to hear from you on issues of concern. As always, thank you for allowing me the honor of serving our home under the Gold Dome. God bless you and God bless the great state of Georgia.


Rep. Victor Anderson (R-Cornelia) represents the 10th Georgia House District which includes all of Rabun County and most of Habersham County in Northeast Georgia. He serves as Vice-Chair of the House Governmental Affairs and Intragovernmental Coordination committees and is a member of the following committees: House Appropriations, Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications, Industry and Labor, and State Planning & Community Affairs. He may be reached at [email protected]

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