Baldwin Mayor Joe Elam resigns

Venter now acting mayor

Joe Elam turns in his city laptop and keys after announcing his resignation as mayor on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023. (livestream image)

There’s been an abrupt leadership change in Baldwin. During Tuesday night’s city council work session, Baldwin Mayor Joe Elam unexpectedly resigned.

Elam’s announcement came near the end of the meeting. He read his resignation letter aloud. Elam called his time as mayor a “great honor and privilege.” He thanked the council, city staff, and residents for the opportunity to serve.

“An unexpected opportunity has come my way. My wife and I have spoken and prayed over it and we feel it is the best move for our family. This opportunity will require a great deal of my time and as a result, I will no longer be able to serve as your Mayor. This is my official resignation and it is effective as of February 7, 2023, immediately following the work session. The City of Baldwin is in a great position and I look forward to seeing its continued growth and success. I encourage you to pray and support your city council and the staff of this great city. Thank you.”

“So, I’m officially no longer the mayor,” Elam said, as he handed over the letter and gavel to Baldwin Mayor Pro Tem Alice Venter. The outgoing mayor then turned in his city laptop and keys.

“Again, I really do appreciate the opportunity. It was quite a privilege,” he said. “I can’t even begin to tell you all how much I’ve learned in the process. Thank you very much.”

With that, Joe Elam left his seat at the table.

Mayor Pro Tem Alice Venter took over the meeting, saying she didn’t expect to be the mayor.

“Mr. Elam has been with the city a long time. I’m humbled by the opportunity to serve in that capacity. The city should know that I will do my best for the city,” she said.

Venter will now serve as acting mayor until a new mayor can be elected. The city will have to hold a special election to fill Elam’s seat. According to Baldwin’s Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk Emily Woodmaster that election will be held in November.

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