A Heaven-mindset

Time. Treasure. Talent. These were the three words that my leader had me write on an index card when I was in 10th grade. I was in West Virginia on a mission trip sitting amongst my friends and listening to my leader give a devotion before we headed out to our project sites. He taught from Matthew 6:19-21, which says, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

In today’s society, time is a highly coveted commodity. People, activities, social media, television, and more are in a relentless battle for our time. How do we determine what takes priority? Treasure is also difficult to protect. We are oversaturated with options for how to spend money.  Finally, our talents are often underappreciated, and we are the biggest culprits.  Too often we sell ourselves short because we do not think that our God-given talents are enough to contribute in today’s highly competitive society. So how do we use these things for the glory of God? How do we steward our resources in such a way that our decisions point to Jesus instead of towards the things of this world? To whom or to what do our hearts belong?

Jesus is saying here that the way we steward our resources is a direct indication of whom or what we serve. Love of money or selfishness with time and possessions are traps that are entirely too easy for us to fall into. Our culture feeds into the lie that your money is yours, your time is yours, and your talents are for your benefit.  Jesus takes this idea and flips it upside down when He says that we ought to store up treasures in Heaven, treasures that are intangible and not of this world. This passage in the Bible should affect the way that we steward our resources. It should challenge us to be generous with our time, stopping to listen when a friend is in need instead of staying busy all the time. It should challenge us to give in extraordinary ways, open up our homes, and share our possessions.  Finally, it should challenge us to get involved in our community and congregations, using our talents to serve and encourage those around us. Our actions and decisions say to others that our hearts belong to Jesus or that our hearts belong to the things of this world.

So, with this in mind, let’s live starting today with a Heaven-mindset. Let’s consider that our treasures on earth pale in comparison with those that await us in heaven if we are wise in how we steward what God has given us. Our time, treasure, and talents are on loan from our Heavenly Father who challenges us to use these gifts for His glory. Let’s be encouraged today to love graciously, live generously, and serve selflessly, storing up treasures that Jesus promises will last forever.