Agents arrest Buford man during online child pornography investigation

Agents with the Hall County Sheriff’s Office and Georgia Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force arrested a Buford man on Wednesday afternoon during a child pornography investigation.

Agents executed a search warrant on October 19 at the home of Anthony J. Mayer, 59, in the 3000 block of Windgate Drive. Agents took Mayer into custody without incident and seized several electronic devices from his house. They charged Mayer with one felony count of sexual exploitation of a minor.

The case began earlier this year when agents received a cyber tip from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. According to the initial investigation, Mayer possessed an image of child pornography and uploaded it to a search engine on May 28, 2022, the Hall County Sheriff’s Office says.

The sheriff’s office and ICAC continue to investigate the case. Authorities say additional charges are possible pending the outcome of forensic processing of the electronics seized from Mayer’s residence.