Gainesville City School System hires armed guards

Members of Gainesville City Schools new security force. The group includes a Safety and Security Manager along with 10 armed guards who will be assigned to each of the district's nine schools, with two serving at the high school. (Gainesville Schools photo)

There are 10 new security guards on duty in the Gainesville City School System. Each elementary and middle school has been assigned its own armed guard with two assigned to Gainesville High School.

The guards come from a variety of backgrounds with a combined 296 years of experience from law enforcement to executive protection, military, private investigation, and beyond, the school board says. All guards will report to the newly seated Safety and Security Manager Bonner Burton, who also comes with 27 years of experience with the Hall County Sheriff’s department.

According to school officials, the new hires will provide security and patrol for all Gainesville City Schools to ensure a safe and secure environment and the safety of students, staff, and visitors.

“We were encouraged to have more than 50 applicants for this new role and have hired an outstanding group,” says school superintendent Dr. Jeremy Williams. “Mr. Burton has put together a solid team and will now begin training and implementation of these new positions and roles. All guards will be in place October 18th at their assigned location.”

Guards will be armed and will undergo continuous fire-arm training. “That, combined with the desire for positive interaction with students and visitors will be our goal,” says Bonner Burton. “The safety of our students is a combination of high visibility, managing relationships and diligence in building and maintaining a secure campus.”

Five Gainesville Police Department School Resources Officers (SRO) will continue to serve Gainesville schools. SROs serve a very specific role with the district as contracted services and the security guards are an additional layer of security to the campus grounds and parking lots, school officials explain.

Burton will serve as the first line of communication with the Gainesville Police Department and five SROs serving the district’s nine schools.

The new guards will be assigned to Gainesville’s schools as follows:

Michael Ledford – Gainesville High School
Christopher Scott Ware – Gainesville High School
Bartley Wilson – Gainesville Middle School East Campus
Avery Niles – Gainesville Middle School West Campus
Steven Klein – Centennial Arts Academy
Todd Eason – Enota Multiple Intelligences Academy
Nathaniel Mills – Fair Street International Academy
George Villaverde – Gainesville Exploration Academy
David Padron – Mundy Mill Arts Academy
Tift Mattox – New Holland Leadership Academy