Black bears are coming out of hibernation; here’s what you should know

(Source: Appalachia Georgia Friends of the Bears)

As spring approaches, black bears are beginning to make their way out of their dens. The Appalachia Georgia Friends of the Bears is asking the public to do their part in keeping them safe.

The AGFB says they have already received reports of adult male and teen black bears that are out and about in Georgia. They say that solitary females and mothers with older cubs will soon begin to make their way out, and are expected around March to mid-April. Mothers with their babies will follow, coming out mid-April to early May.

As those bears make their way out, the AGFB asks Georgians to help them save a bear’s life by removing attractants from their environments. Attractants like birdseed, hummingbird feeders, pet food, livestock food, greasy barbecues, smokers, fish cookers and other wildlife foods can be accessed by black bears.

The intentional and unintentional feeding of bears teaches them to approach homes and people for food, which they say is a recipe for human-bear conflict. Trash access is credited with approximately two-thirds of human-bear conflict. In addition, it destroys the bear’s teeth, digestive tracts and results in a slow and painful death.

The AGFB asks Georgians to minimize attractants and the availability of food rewards throughout yards and neighborhoods for the region’s estimated black bear population of 3,000.

They ask residents to store garbage in a sturdy building, or place it in an approved bear-resistant trash receptacle. They also recommend only putting trash outside on the day of pickup. They say that if trash is stored outside for multiple days to fester in the heat, it will result in a larger odor signature for bears. The more the signature, the greater the distance for it to travel on the wind. You can help reduce this signature by cleaning your trash can and rinsing off any food and drink residue from containers.

The Appalachia Georgia Friends of the Bears is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to reduce human-bear conflict through proactive educational outreach programs, increase public awareness about coexisting with black bears, the use of humane bear deterrents, and advocacy. Visit and for more information on reducing Human-Bear Conflict.