The field of forensics got a fairy tale twist in Heather Henriques’ eighth-grade science class at Tallulah Falls School. Students explored the science, critical thinking, and examination of evidence required in the field. They then applied their knowledge by staging a crime scene in a familiar fairy tale.
After creating crime scene dioramas displaying their forensic evidence, students participated in a “Faire of Fairly Criminal Tales” where they explained projects to enthusiastic younger students.
Spinning tales such as “Sherwood Slayer,” drawn from the story of Robin Hood, the students presented their fairy tale forensics scenarios. They polished their public speaking skills by acting as a lawyer arguing a case in front of a jury of their peers.
“This mini-unit capitalizes on the students’ fascination with true crime stories and helps them develop abilities to gather and argue from evidence. I’m always amazed at their creative ideas!” Henriques said.