I’m a How to’s for Dummies user. I must admit, I’ve read many from How to train a puppy to How to use an Iphone to How to make the perfect casserole. I think, however, they’ve missed an important aspect of the How to’s business for aren’t we all trying to find our best self?
How to be a Better Person for Dummies
1. Say “Good Morning”
Just as Wheaties is the breakfast of Champions, Good Morning starts the day with a positive affirmation that “yes indeed” today is going to be a good day. Tell your spouse, your children, your pets, the person exiting the grocery store, the drive-thru attendant, and co-workers. Good Morning are words that should be offered to everyone you meet.
2. Help others
It isn’t hard and when we offer a hand to another in need, it not only blesses the person but changes something within our hearts. Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best, “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”
3. Listen
I used to tell my children, “Put on your listening caps!” We’d slide on imaginary caps and tie them tight under our chins. It is an accessory missing in today’s society attire but one most needed. Listening is a lost skill, like knowing the names of wildflowers and how to can strawberry jam; yet, it is a skill every person has within them if they choose to use it. Give people a voice and respect what they have to say by making eye contact and opening up your ears.
4. Grow
Change is key and being open to it is just the right fertilizer your spirit needs to grow. Be open to new experiences. Try new food. Read books in different genre. Meet new friends. Take classes. Learn new skills. Find new hobbies. Trees have been around the longest because they never stop growing. We could learn a lot from a tree.
5. R-E-S-P-E-C-T
Respect others…respect yourself. Be respectful of other’s things; other’s times; other’s ideas; and other’s feelings. Remember, if a person is older than you are, they deserve your respect. Whether you agree with their opinion or not, they have a right to have one and so do you. Put things back in the right place. Leave a room better than when you entered. Respect those in authority and those who have your best interest at heart.
6. Wordometers
We spend so much time counting our steps for personal fitness. We invest in FitBits, Garmin’s, and other Pedometers. There ought to be a Wordometer. At the end of the day, we ought to check our wrists for how many polite, kind words we said that day. Make please and thank you an every day practice.
7. Smile
When you are driving down the road, walking into a store, greeting others, or sitting at your desk, a smile lights up any room. It can change someone’s day, even when words are never exchanged. It is a universal symbol of warmth and acceptance. Use it!
8. Loyal
A loyal heart is the greatest asset you could have in business, friendships, marriage, and parenting. Loyalty is a commitment to be faithful. It says to those you care about, I am beside you. Loyalty is a learned character trait and one that must be rehearsed daily.
9. Practice
It is never too late to try. Becoming a better person takes practice. It is about messing up, admitting fault, regrouping, and starting all over again, fresh and new, with a determined spirit not to make the same mistake twice.
10. Seek
Find God through prayer; the Bible; Church; and others. Know who He is and make Him the center of your life.