The City of Baldwin discussed amendments to their alcohol ordinance at their Dec. 9 work session. Much like other cities in Habersham County, the city is considering these amendments for the sale of packaged distilled spirits, which voters approved in November.
During November’s municipal elections, city voters throughout the county approved the sale of liquor within the city limits of Alto, Baldwin, Clarkesville and Cornelia. With Jan. 1 being the first day liquor sales can be allowed within these cities, local governments are working to update their alcohol ordinances to regulate future liquor stores. The cities cannot issue permits for liquor stores to open until amendments to their alcohol ordinances pass.
The City of Baldwin’s amendments to their alcohol ordinance allows for a total of three liquor stores within city limits. That number is dictated by population, according to the proposed amendments. Two would be allowed for the city regardless of population, with an additional store per 5,000 people. If Baldwin’s population grows an additional 5,000 citizens, another store would be permitted to open.
The proposed amendments also state that liquor stores must be at least 1,500 square feet with no maximum size. City Councilwoman Alice Venter said at their Thursday meeting that she believed the GA-365 area would be a good location for a liquor “superstore.”
“I’m not worried about a max [size],” Venter said. “If they want to put 10,000 square feet in . . . I think 365 is a good spot for something like that. It’s a good opportunity, especially with that volume of traffic that comes through there. I think that would be a great place.”
The license fee for a liquor store would be $4,000 annually, and if a liquor store decides to sell malt beverages such as beer and wine, they will also need to pay for a $500 malt beverage sales license and a $500 malt beverage retail license annually.
The city also plans to impose a $0.22 per-liter excise tax on distilled spirits.
Baldwin is expected to vote on their amendments to their alcohol ordinance at their Monday, Dec. 13 meeting, which is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. in the Baldwin Municipal Courtroom.