Death shall be no more

The father wept as he spoke of daily visits with his son. After visiting for almost five years, something told him he no longer needed to go everyday. His mind knew this long ago, but his broken heart was slow to surrender. As he spoke of his youngest child, his face reflected a pain no balm could soothe.

He doesn’t seem to know why his need to visit so frequently has lessened. Perhaps it is because his son is always with him and the daily trips are not necessary. Perhaps the urgency to have some form of tangible contact has somewhat diminished. Perhaps he is beginning to heal, although many scars remain. No matter the reason, the father knows the place he visited was really only a symbolic reminder of his precious son. Because of Jesus, he never occupied the grave the father visited each day.

For believers there is victory over death. Jesus bore ALL our sins on that lonely hill so that we might have life eternally. He took our place. By His grace we are saved. By His grace, we will never die, and, by His grace, those left behind can find comfort.

Just as He has promised us a home in heaven, He has also promised us a day when we will weep no more. Until that day, we are given strength for our journey.

There is no circumstance beyond God’s control. There is no pain or loss too great for Him. He is the ultimate healer, comforter and friend. Call upon Him. He is waiting for you.


Revelation 21:4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.



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